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   Maybe your dream home is a cottage or a weekend retreat. How would you like to be able to:

Call ahead and check the weather

  • Control the heating or the air conditioning

  • Open the windows

  • Control your lighting indoor and out

  • Adjust your whole home audio system

  • Control your window coverings etc.

   All remotely before you arrive! This can give the home the appearance of being occupied in order to deter any burglars from entering the premises. If a burglar does get brave he is in for a big surprise. Your “smart home” will take his picture and e-mail it anywhere you like.    


The house will also call you, a neighbour, a security monitoring company, or even the police to announce that someone has entered the premises. 

  In the meantime, sirens are going off and your indoor/ outdoor lights are flashing. You can even keep an eye on your vacation home by viewing full motion video via the Internet. Sound good?

  Now if they could only figure out a way to cut the grass when you aren’t there? Actually, they have!



Toll free: 1 866 735 4347
Local: 705 435 5200
Email: home@hdhomesystems.ca