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 A few comments from our customers:

July 1, 2006

Dear Chris,
When we set out to automate our home it was difficult to find a company that understood the intricacies associated with fully integrated automated functions. Most companies we interviewed specialized in audio video, or security, and backed all other functions into that componentry. The resultant solutions were very basic, convoluted, expensive, or short term. We were looking for something with a solid backbone which would also allow us to continue to evolve and extend the use of the componentry and systems into solutions in the future.
Windyrock was the only company that was able to design a solution that seamlessly automated audio, video, security, lighting, climate management, phone systems, and computer connectivity. Your company did not try to force a turnkey solution on us, you customized the solution to meet our specific lifestyle.
As important, when we completed our landscaping you were not only able to extend the integration of all the function and control we had in our home to our yard, but you also provided us with the ability to integrate other components such as the automation of phantom screen, misters, and pool management.
In an industry that is in its infancy, Windyrock has been able to provide mature solutions that are backed up by customer care and support that is second to none.
You have enabled us to realize our primary objective, which was the simplification of our lives through the automation of our home.

Thank you.

Wayne B.


"It has been a pleasure working with you over the last 3 years.  Evolving technology can be a bit unpredictable.  I think the thing that made it work is the fact that you stand firm on your word.   If you had not stood behind the service and product I could not imagine where we would have been.  Thanks !!!!."   

 -Wayne B.

"I also wanted to let you know that your guy is excellent.  Very professional, personable and service oriented.  Good job on that hire!" 



"Hi Chris - thank you so much for sending your team out to fix things up - Matthew was really excited it is up and running for tomorrow night!!"



"Bill, don't know if you contacted Chris about your home media room, but there is an example of the excellent post sale service.  I can't say enough."

 -James A.




"Ps, give your guys a good xmas bonus. Of all the trades we've dealt with,
easily the most professional.

I know that may not be saying much, but it is so rare in this business its
worth noting." 

-Greg M.


"Thanks Chris for having Miles come by so quickly.  We really appreciate it."




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Local: 705 435 5200
Email: home@hdhomesystems.ca