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Security systems are a standard feature in homes today.

  The range in monitoring features, complexity, and price of the different systems can vary greatly. From a simple application featuring a few sensors and a siren to a complex system that works in tandem with the other systems in your house.

  Through the use of different sensors your security system can be programmed to turn on lights, lock or unlock doors, turn on security cameras and recording equipment, and even announce through speakers or your phone system that your property has been breached.

   The system can be used to monitor your premises when you are away. The system can contact you, a neighbor, family member, monitoring company, even the police by phone, pager or even e-mail if an unwanted intruder enters your premises. 


The addition of surveillance cameras can greatly increase the awareness of your property. You can view the cameras through any TV in your house, a touch screen, or even through the Internet from a remote location.

   The system can also be of use when you are at home. By using the same motion detectors and connecting the security system to a home controller such as JDS Stargate you can control lighting, heating and many other energy saving features. 

  The system can turn on a light to a preset level if you wake up in the middle of the night for a trip to the bathroom or kitchen for a midnight snack (no more stubbing those toes!). If motion is not detected in a room, the heat can be lowered and the lights can be turned off (great if you have kids). 

   With the use of a vehicle sensor at the end of your driveway, the system can turn on lights randomly and play music to give the home an occupied look and sound. It can also notify you through the use of intercom, phone, television, and/or turning on of a light when you are home so you are warned of any one entering the property.

   The system can also monitor your house for things like fire, flood, temperature, and carbon monoxide. 

Protection of you, your family, and your home, will give you peace of mind!



Toll free: 1 866 735 4347
Local: 705 435 5200
Email: home@hdhomesystems.ca