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An automated home not only provides you with a great deal of convenience it is also environmentally friendly.     

  This may not be a typical day in your household but it will give you some insight to the endless possibilities available with an automated home. We of course tailor your house to suit your needs the best.      

  In the morning, before you wake up, the house has already been very busy.  It has:

  • Adjusted the heat

  • Gradually opened the blinds

  • Turned on the sprinklers (if necessary)

  • Turned on the hot water tank 

  • Heated the floors

  • Gradually brightened the lights in your room.  Tuned the audio/video system to your favorite radio/TV station or CD Player

   The only thing left to do is head off to the bathroom where the music is also playing and the towel warmers and mirror defoggers are both on.

      After your refreshing trip to the bathroom you head downstairs to the kitchen where the coffee is already waiting .You tune the television to the weather network or news channel while you check your e-mail.

      After breakfast you are ready to head off to work. On your way out the door, as you hit the away button on the touch screen the house reminds you that today is Wednesday, garbage day. Johnny Jr. has baseball at 6:45 and Amanda has violin lessons at 7:15. Good luck! 

     The house also arms the security system, turns off all the lights, and forwards any incoming calls to your cell phone.

While you are away for the day at work, the house is also working!

   It has adjusted the heat or air conditioning and turned the hot water tank off. It also monitors the outside temperature so that in the winter months the window coverings stay open during the afternoon allowing the warm sun in. Conversely, in the summer months the house adjusts the window coverings in the afternoon so that the air conditioning doesn’t have to work overtime to keep the house cool.

So you can relax!

     At 3:45 Johnny and Amanda arrive home from school. As they enter the house and they either punch-in their pass code or swipe their security card the house e-mails you at work letting you know that the kids have arrived home safely. It also reminds the kids of their chores that they have to complete. Johnny decides that the chores can wait and that he is going to watch some wrestling first. Upon trying to turn on the television a prerecorded message announces, “no television allowed until your homework and chores are done”. Johnny really wants to watch this match so he telephones you at work to try and convince you that he can do his homework and chores after baseball. You decide that he can watch some television now and you are able to unlock the TV. You then ask to speak to Amanda. Johnny puts you on hold and pages Amanda announcing that you would like to speak to her. Amanda picks up in her bedroom and tells you “I already AM practicing!.

     In the evening, the house monitors each room and if nobody is present in the room the house will automatically adjust the lights and temperature.

      The house can also forward all of the kids phone calls to the room that they are in. This will allow you some peace and quiet, without the constant ringing of a telephone.

When you retire for the night, you simply press one button and the house will:

  • Close the windows and coverings keeping the cool night air out

  • Turn off the hot water heater

  • Adjust the lighting

  • Turn off any electronic equipment that isn’t needed

  • Lock the doors Arm the security system

  • Turn on any outdoor security lighting

  • Adjust the temperature so that it is comfortable for sleeping    

   You may be thinking what happens on the weekends? The house can be programmed to satisfy your every need whether it is entertaining or relaxing.

That is where our personalized programming comes in.

      For more in depth information on the many benefits and features available, please check out the different products, services and application pages found on this site.




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Email: home@hdhomesystems.ca